How to care for a Cactus plant

Cacti are very unique and elegant amigos! They vary in shapes and colour variations. They add a different touch to any decor type- from minimalist to southwestern! Their bold shapes will be hard to resist, and before you know it, you'll be collecting many. Generally, caring for this green amigo isn’t hard, but it is rather unique.

Get one of these yourself!

  • Very Little
  • Every 2-3 years
  • Bright, direct
  • Toxic
  • 2-3 times per year

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  • Each type of cacti has their own origin, however, they all typically come from a desert-like area.
  • Typically low air purifier
  • Some are toxic, therefore make sure the type of cactus you introduce into your home, meets the appropriate requirement.
  • For the most part, cacti require very little. However, keep in mind that these amigos spend their time in the sun, therefore be consistent with their watering schedule. Make sure the soil is dry between waterings. This will prevent root rotting.
  • They loovee the light! All we can say is: sun, sun , sun! Beware as even cactus can burn, therefore, if you notice your cactus turning yellow or brown on the side facing the sun, you might need to temporarily place it in a different spot. A south facing window is ideal for this amigo.
  • You should feed your cactus 2-3 times a year! Their growth seasons are summer, fall and spring. You wont need to fertilize it during winter months. Remember to never overfeed!
  • You can carefully repot a cactus every 2-3 years in a new pot, one size larger than its original. A sign that your friend needs repotting, is if you see roots coming out the bottom of the container indicating it is overly root bound.
  • Make extra sure the tool you'll use is sharp and clean. This will help avoid injuring the plant. Make sure not to cut into the main stem. You can use pruners to remove pads or leaves.
  • If you notice prominent brown coloured spots often surrounded by brown rims, this means your cactus is rotting. If this is the case, remove affected parts of the plant to avoid spot growth and spreading. Beware of overwatering as cacti are also prone to root rot.

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