Spring is in the air! And our green amigos are very excited. More sun, more warmth, and fewer fluctuations in temperature, makes spring the peak growing season for plants. While this means happier and healthier plants, it also means that many will need to be prepared for the new season . To help, we have provided a list of the things every plant-parent should know to get their houseplants ready for spring!
Light and sun ... that takes some getting used to!
With the days getting longer, the sun is feeling extra warm. And we understand you want your green amigo to enjoy it too. But before you move your houseplant next to a window or onto your balcony, try to get them into the sunlight slowly. After being used to the cold winter months, houseplants can burn their leaves if moved directly into the sun. We recommend starting by moving your green amigo into the sun for a few hours and slowly increasing its time each week. Also, it is important to remember that some houseplants prefer to be in the shade, so first check carefully whether your green friend can withstand direct sunlight at all. Also, be careful with open windows or doors, as many plants dislike drafts and will droop their leaves. In general, most houseplants can withstand an open window or outdoor air if it is above 20 degrees.
Repot in the spring!
As we mentioned before, spring is peak growing season for plants, which means it's also the best time to repot! This doesn't mean that you have to give every plant in your home fresh potting soil and a new pot. But the plants that you feel have outgrown their pots or clearly need more plant food, should be repotted. It's also not necessary to repot houseplants every year, as some plants can thrive in the same pot for over 2 years. For more information on the specifics of repotting your plants, check out our past blog!
Spring cleaning your green friend!
Ah, spring cleaning. The yearly tradition has been shown to be a great way to start off the new season. And our green amigos certainly agree too! Over time, a layer of dust on your plant's leaves can make it harder for them to absorb light and oxygen. To help, wipe off the dust from your plants with a damp cloth. You can also clean your houseplants by putting them in the bathroom while you take a shower. They'll really love the high humidity! Plants with slightly firmer leaves can even be taken into the shower with you (but please make sure to cover their potting soil well so that you don't drown their roots). Your green amigos will thank you!
Make more plants
Taking cuttings, also known as propagating your plants, is also better to do in the spring. Although planting cuttings requires a bit of a green thumb and some practice, it's really quite simple to do. The easiest way is by making a clean cut at around 3-6 inches of one of your plant's new shoots (new stems with leaves that have not yet hardened). You can also take cuttings from your plant's roots, stem, or by dividing your plant. After making the cuttings, place them in moist soil, where they should start rooting in around 1-2 months, depending on the type of plant. Finish by wrapping the cuttings in a plastic bag and placing them in a warm spot, so that they can get a lot of humidity. And enjoy your many new green amigos!
So now that your plants are prepped for spring...bring on the sunshine!
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